Zoey follows Fanny around smelling the grass a lot. Fanny is loose but Zoey is on leash...she doesn't understand what 'stay in the yard' means yet and the trailing leash behind her gives Jeff an extra 3 feet in the race to catch up! When they find something that smells good Fanny will roll over
in it and Zoey has
caught on quickly! Fanny also takes this as
an opportunity to do a quick 'touch-up wash' of
that is something she should be doing, too. Zoey loves being outside.
Now both dogs have crashed. Fanny on her chair next to the computer and Zoey on the pillow under it. Jeff went fishing and is going to bring home something for supper. No, not fish. Probably pizza and wings. I told him that was easier because I didn't know when he'd be back and it would be difficult to have a hot supper ready for him. Sounds good, doesn't it?
I should knit while the knitting is good but frankly, I don't feel like doing anything. I'm not sick just not myself. Jeff thinks after I have my cataracts taken care of I'll feel better. Sure hope so because I don't like the way I feel. Oh, well, I guess I'll force myself and knit.
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