Sunday, July 9, 2017

Mowing The Lawn

     Jeff went fishing this morning at the Frankfort Marina to try the super-duper catfish bait that he made last night.  I decided it would be a good day to mow the lawn...sunny, not too hot, a gentle I pulled the lawnmower out of the garage and tried to take the gas cap off to see how much fuel there was in it.  No way.  I'm sure Jeff thinks Superman is going to come in the night and siphon the gas out of our lawnmower because he sure tightens the gas cap!  I couldn't get it off to save my life!  So I decided just to mow until I ran out of gas.
  I did in front of the garage where Jeff usually parks the Outback and then across the front of the garden boxes...or what's left of them.  Then I did the hill by Wally's fence and since I was on the west side of the house I decided to do that part of the lawn. It hasn't been done at all this year so there were a lot of tall weeds that mowed easily as long as I went slowly.  The hostas on that side of the house are doing nicely
and are in bloom.  The hill around the bean tower mows up nicely...unfortunately without any beans growing there this year.
Most of the raised beds need to be rebuilt...the

wood has rotted and Jeff wasn't able to do that this spring so we didn't get a garden put in.  It seems such a shame, too.  Even the little fire pit seems abandoned and needs to be rebuilt.  It's such a nice shady spot, too.   

The only thing that seems to grow well is this tall weed(below). Anybody know what it is?  I try to mow it every chance I get without touching it or letting it touch me!
 Oh, the lawnmower hasn't run out of gas yet, but this lawn mower has!
It's time for lunch and
then an afternoon of knitting.  I want to get that baby doll finished today.  The shop had a great day yesterday and

although I only sold 1 hat, I better do some more to have on hand next Sunday when I work...just in case some more sell before then!
Got the BaseBall Baby finished!  He's suppose to have a knitted nappy (he is an British pattern, after all) but I chose to put a fabric one on him.  He's based on Baby Boo by Claire, a pattern I bought on Esty.  He'll be in the shop on Sunday.  Maybe his sister, Flower Girl, will get finished and be with him.  Maybe not.  (added 7/11/17)

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