I stopped at Hannaford's when I got back to Herkimer to pick up a few things (like lunch) and when I finally got home, Jeff was exhausted. After eating his salad he had to go lay down.
Zoey is asleep on the pillow under my computer table and Fanny on the floor next to her. I'm the only one awake...and I wish I was napping, too! Zoey isn't sleeping thru the night yet. She sleeps about 3 hours and then is awake, hungry and ready to play for about an hour before winding down and crashing again. But since this little performance usually happens around 2am and again at 6am we're all exhausted...except Zoey! She naps several times during the day and I think we should take those opportunities to nap at the same time. I've said from the beginning, I'm too old to have a baby or a puppy.
I left the garbage bag on the stoop yesterday for Jeff to put in the garbage pail but he never got to it. This morning something had torn into the bag and garbage is spread over the stoop and next to it. Now he says when he get up he'll go clean up the mess. I'm tired, too, and in a bitchy mood so I'm not going to let this pass. He will clean it up.
I've got to clean up the TV room...there is a pile of shredded paper thanks to Zoey...next to my chair, in front of the woodstove. If I can get away from the computer quietly maybe I can get it cleaned up without any help from her. I doubt it but it's worth a try.
I have never had a dog who was so interested in ferretting out my yarn stash. Zoey's main activities these days seem to be 1) drive Fanny crazy 2) shred any and all paper she can find and 3) chew on any and all balls of yarn I may have put in plastic bags behind the chairs in the TV room. She's surfaced from behind a chair or under the sofa with some yarn I had completely forgotten about, pulling it out of zippered plastic bags thru holes she chewed in them. She's even chewed into bags of yarn that were sealed before shipping and I hadn't opened yet! And when all else fails, Zoey just drags the entire bag out and through the house!! She might be small but she is mighty!! Fanny had a liking for the handles of Jeff's screwdrivers but Zoey's after yarn.
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