Today has been a different type of day. Jeff cleaned the Berkey water filter yesterday and used the last of the dish soap so this morning I had to go to the store and get some more. And while we were out of bottled water I didn't want to spend .86 for a gal for bottled water instead of .37 a gal at the Culligan machine where you refill your own bottles, so I got only 3 gals. This has been one of the longest Boil Water orders in Herkimer...since last Saturday! If the order isn't lifted by Sunday, I think I'll fill up some gallons at the shop for free! When I got back home I mowed the 2nd part of the lawn...between the house and garage and along the front of the garden. I ended up mowing between a couple of the rows of raised beds because that was the only way I could turn the lawnmower around! I think that may be the last time I mow with the catch-bag attached. It makes the machine heavier and more awkward. That leaves the backyard to be mowed but I can't do that until Jeff moves a couple piles of wood and PVC pipe from the old greenhouse. We have a pretty large woodchuck who is happy I'm not mowing back there. Yesterday I saw him stripping leaves off some tall weeds and stuffing them in his mouth. No wonder Fanny doesn't want to stay outside alone for very long. There's the bobcat, the coyotes, the fox, the raccoon and now the woodchuck who think they all belong here, too.
From lunch time on we watched a movie on of the newer Star Trek ones. Kirk and Spock are cadets and just met...and don't really get along. It was pretty good. I liked it.
Jeff's back outside working on the piles of stuff in the back and I had to put the lawnmower away so I took photos of the garden: Jeff used a lot of land-
Peppers and tomatoes and 1 stalk of corn |
scape fabric to cut down on weeds but it made it easier for something to pull one box of corn seedlings right out of the soil! As you can see, only 1 stalk of corn is left in that box (r).
Potatoes! |
The gutter pipe garden |
The other box was left completely untouched!
The peppers and tomatoes are doing ok...we've picked a couple of each so far. Jeff's not sure the potatoes are doing much. We've had a lot of rain lately and well, potatoes don't like a lot of water. The tops of the plants are big and bushy but the boxes haven't started to show any bumps that might be potatoes. We'll just have to wait and see.
This is an example of a gutter pipe or self-watering garden. There are peppers, tomatoes, parsley and basil in those blue bags. Plastic wickie cups in the
bottom of the bags sit in the water in the pipe. The pipe and the plastic bin...which hold water...are connected with plastic tubing and a float valve. Jeff refills the bin about once a week. He has the same system in the greenhouse and is pleased with the way it's working.
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