I surprised myself and kept with the knitting this week. I finished another navy and white baseball hoodie...that wa
more on the back than I usually do but.... That's one thing I have to admit, rarely are 2 of my sweaters identical. Now I have to find a zipper that will blend with this turqua Red Heart yarn. I have enough of it left to do a raglan cardigan and probably a hat...but I think it's time for a break. I've had enough of that color for awhile. I still have those 2 steins of Red Heart Denim I got a couple of weeks ago that I don't know what to do with and the yarn I got Sunday for another pair of socks for Jeff so I can keep knitting. I guess I have to look at patterns and get some new ideas.
I've looked online (at Lowes.com) for a new kitchen stove and think I've found one. My return should get here by next Friday and we'll go shopping then. We're working on a deal for a 2010 Subaru Forrester (selling the Imprezza) that should be final about then, too. I won't miss the Imprezza or the toaster oven.
And while today's temperature won't get above freezing, it's suppose to be in the 60's by Tuesday. Ah, upstate central New York. Don't like the weather? Wait 5 minutes, it will change!
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