Last week after our garlic harvest, Jeff got out the tiller and re-tilled where the garlic had been...and pulled down what was left of the peas and tilled that area, too...and then decided to till between the rows like he did last year. It was as hard as blacktop...full of rocks and dry as cement! It took 2 days to get between all the rows tilled. The garden seemed to sigh with relief that 1st night and after being watered the plants started to bushed out! Jeff's been watering nearly everyday, alternating plain water and 'compost tea', and the garden is a lot bigger than others we've noticed around here. The tomatoes have finally started to grow (the plants at the greenhouses had flowers and small tomatoes on them a month ago so people who put them in their gardens have a head start on us...our tomatoes are from seed!) and the peppers have flowered and have started to form fruit. The accent boxes are doing very well with the squash and cu
cccumber vines growing up the net trellis. The gutter garden is ahead of the farm rows. There are tomatoes on those plants!! Jeff had tried rooting a sweet potato on the windowsill and got about half a dozen or so 'eyes' to root so he put together a potato bed and planted them in it.(r) Those leaves had roots about 12" long or more! Don't know how many sweet potatoes we'll end up with but even with only 1 potato from each plant we'll get several meals out of it! He put in a couple of rows of assorted white potatoes, too.
Yesterday Jeff showed me a BBQ Boys cooking site video online that was doing something called "Potato Bombs". You take a russet and core the center, stuff it with meat-cheese-etc, wrap a couple of strips of bacon around the potato, wrap the whole thing in foil and cook it over a fire or bbq. We tried it with Italian sausage,diced green peppers, sweet onion and pepper jack cheese. One potato

was really a meal all by itself but I had taken the sausage out of it's casing and mixed everything together before stuffing the potatoes and had some stuffing left
so we cooked sausage-pepper-onion burgers, too. It has been too hot to cook inside the last couple of days and I finally found something to cook over the fire that we would all eat!
Eventho it's been very hot, I've been able to knit and took a couple of sweaters to the shop when I worked down there Thursday. This is a size 9mo Blacksheep sweater (the black sheep is on the back) that usually sells quickly...we'll see this year.
I'm finally getting my pinstripe bb sweater the way I want it so I hope it will go down on Monday when I work again. Hope to finish another child's shrug, too. We've been displaying one with a child's sundress that another member makes and the display sold to one customer! Hope there are more customers like that!!
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