Jeff had planned on taking apart some wooden pallets to make multi-tiered corner units for the garden but as we were driving from Walmart to Agway past Applebee's after work on May 1st
he noticed that Applebee's had pulled out their booths and had them stacked between the sidewalk and the curb next to the dumpster. We turned around and went back to check them out and after consideration he thought he could make them work as the corner units. A quick dash to Jeff's for some hand tools...and then to my house for the power tools...and he took 5 of the booths apart so they would fit on/in my car. It took 2 trips to get the app 4x4', 12" deep 3/4" plywood boxes home. Boy, now that was when we wished we had a
pick-up truck...or that some of the people we know who do drive trucks would go
by Applebee's while he was working on them...but, of course, none did! After more work at home, he ended up with 4 3-tier boxes each app 4x4', 2x2' and 1x1, and 2 4x4' boxes all 6" deep. He spent another afternoon placing them, leveling and squaring them. The bases are covered with green vinyl and the other tiers with black carpet (they came that way!). Yesterday he started filling them with a soil-peat moss-manure mix and hopefully we'll be planting in them next week. It will make the garden look different!
Yesterday Jeff transplanted the ground cheeries into the last 2 buckets for the gutter garden in the greenhouse. The celery looks great...and the potatoes in the big
In the meantime, I've been knitting baby hats in sugar & cream cotton. Got 3 finished with a sunbrim in 3 nights! Next will be a baseball hat or 2 and then a rolled brim hat with a knit flower sewed on the side. As usual there's a zip baggie in my pocketbook with a sock in progress!
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