We kept very busy today...Jeff mixed soil to fill the 3rd corner box in the garden and to 'hill' the potato tubs in the gutter system. We got some herb plants at Lowe's yesterday for the corner box and after Jeff filled the box I transplanted them. Here they are waiting for me.(l) Later he gave them and some seedlings he transplanted in the square foot rows ...and the entire garden...some compost 'tea' to help them get established. While he was mixing the soil (top soil, peat moss, vermiculite, cow manure and compost) I tried to mow the lawn around the gutter garden but the support poles of the greenhouse were in my way so after sitting in the sun for awhile...and actually napping for a few minutes...I moved some bee balm to the new perennial bed right behind where we sit and worked on the fire pit making it bigger, then lining it with rocks and edging it with old patio blocks that use to make up a raised bed that didn't quite work.
Jeff found that old grate that just spans the pit. He figures if he can find a camp coffee pot he can make coffee right there! That's his hat sitting in for the coffeepot. (r) After supper I cut more of the lawn while Jeff cut up some of last year's garden poles to try out in the new fire pit. Works pretty good, too, (below) except for a couple of POPS from either a rock exploding or a sap pocket in thewood (remember those garden poles were mostly saplings Jeff cut down). There is room for 4-6 chairs around the fire...
kind of close to the garden....you can see one of the flower clusters at the end of a row in the photo with the hat...but last year I kept making jokes about how much we enjoyed sitting there watching the garden grow. Hope we can say the same thing this year! Join us some time and see for yourself what I'm talking about.
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