Last night around 9:15pm our neighbors down the road set off a fireworks display. Fanny, Zoey and I were comfy in bed...I was reading... while Jeff was reading at his computer when the 1st bomb went off. Fanny leaped off the bed and ran to Jeff and dove under his bed. Zoey squirmed and shimmied until I put her on the floor and then she followed...with me bringing up the rear! By the time I got to the window, all that could be seen of Fanny was her rear end and tail sticking out from beneath the bed while Jeff had picked Zoey up and placed her on the bed. She was busy working her way under the covers. I stayed at the window and was treated to a pretty colorful fireworks display...bursts of color and patterns...that lasted about 10-15 minutes. (They must have saved the fireworks from the Fourth of July because I haven't seen any for sale lately.) After the display was finished Zoey and I went back to the other room but Fanny stayed next to Jeff...all night! She wasn't taking any chances, I guess! Since yesterday was a pretty dismissal end to rained off and on most of the day and the temperature never got above 55, the fireworks were a nice treat. Thanks, neighbors!
Today the weed-busting moved to the back of the house...or the side that faces south. Jeff had already mowed the lawn...what there was...and today he tackled the overgrown forsythia bushes. Actually the original bush is under the west facing window of the TV room and the rest of the jungle formed because the runners traveled underground. It looked
beautiful in the spring but all those branches covering the windows could be a real hazard in the winter. Just think if they were covered with
ice or snow?!? The damage they could do to

the windows! Now that area under the windows is completely clear of the forsythia branches. I just hope it grows enough to flower again
next year.
Zoey was willing to explore the backyard but kept going off into the woods or down the old trolley path. Definitely not following orders to 'stay in the yard'. Fanny didn't feel like playing...those fireworks last night interrupted her sleep so Zoey was on her own. I sat there with a book and Fanny snoozing next to me while Zoey tried to do some exploring without getting into too much trouble. A guy on a big 4-wheeler came down the path and Jeff had to stop him and tell him to turn around because the trail was blocked ahead. The driver seemed surprised. When we first moved into the little house in the little woods I could ride my bike down the trolley path thru East Herkimer, across the old bridge and go to the Herkimer swimming pool without ever going on Rte 5. The ride back home was a little difficult because the hill going into E. Herkimer was tough but once that was tackled it was a flat ride home. Now, our end of the path is blocked by Massaro's, who own it, because of liability insurance, and the middle is cut by Gros Blvd. What a difference 50 years makes!
Jeff has got 3/4 of the way around the house cleared of weeds. He just has the south-east corner where the big deck is and where he stacks wood waiting to be cut into the right size for the wood stove. The deck is getting rotten in places and since we don't use it much I think it will probably be next to be taken down and burnt. I'd like a small the one by the back door with a slanted roof like it replace the deck. Because of the shape and slope of the metal roof on the TV room snow doesn't stay on that roof but ends up on the front of the door to the TV room making it useless. A small stoop with a slanted roof would make the door usable in winter. And since there is a woodstove in that room, not a bad idea, either. Whether or not we get to it this year remains to be seen, but it is on our 'to do' list.
Well, Jeff put in his time on the Cub Cadet this afternoon and decided to go fishing. It's suppose to rain off and on for the rest of the week so this may be his only opportunity this week! Fanny is trying to catch up on the sleep she missed last night but Zoey
wants her to wake up and play. I think Zoey and I will go into the TV room and leave Fanny to her nap. Actually, Zoey hasn't had a nap this afternoon so I might get her to sleep and then I can read in peace for a little while. We had a big lunch so no supper to cook tonight! YEAH!! Well, it is Labor Day!
Today the weed-busting moved to the back of the house...or the side that faces south. Jeff had already mowed the lawn...what there was...and today he tackled the overgrown forsythia bushes. Actually the original bush is under the west facing window of the TV room and the rest of the jungle formed because the runners traveled underground. It looked
beautiful in the spring but all those branches covering the windows could be a real hazard in the winter. Just think if they were covered with
ice or snow?!? The damage they could do to
the windows! Now that area under the windows is completely clear of the forsythia branches. I just hope it grows enough to flower again
next year.
Zoey was willing to explore the backyard but kept going off into the woods or down the old trolley path. Definitely not following orders to 'stay in the yard'. Fanny didn't feel like playing...those fireworks last night interrupted her sleep so Zoey was on her own. I sat there with a book and Fanny snoozing next to me while Zoey tried to do some exploring without getting into too much trouble. A guy on a big 4-wheeler came down the path and Jeff had to stop him and tell him to turn around because the trail was blocked ahead. The driver seemed surprised. When we first moved into the little house in the little woods I could ride my bike down the trolley path thru East Herkimer, across the old bridge and go to the Herkimer swimming pool without ever going on Rte 5. The ride back home was a little difficult because the hill going into E. Herkimer was tough but once that was tackled it was a flat ride home. Now, our end of the path is blocked by Massaro's, who own it, because of liability insurance, and the middle is cut by Gros Blvd. What a difference 50 years makes!
Jeff has got 3/4 of the way around the house cleared of weeds. He just has the south-east corner where the big deck is and where he stacks wood waiting to be cut into the right size for the wood stove. The deck is getting rotten in places and since we don't use it much I think it will probably be next to be taken down and burnt. I'd like a small the one by the back door with a slanted roof like it replace the deck. Because of the shape and slope of the metal roof on the TV room snow doesn't stay on that roof but ends up on the front of the door to the TV room making it useless. A small stoop with a slanted roof would make the door usable in winter. And since there is a woodstove in that room, not a bad idea, either. Whether or not we get to it this year remains to be seen, but it is on our 'to do' list.
wants her to wake up and play. I think Zoey and I will go into the TV room and leave Fanny to her nap. Actually, Zoey hasn't had a nap this afternoon so I might get her to sleep and then I can read in peace for a little while. We had a big lunch so no supper to cook tonight! YEAH!! Well, it is Labor Day!
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