The only complaint I have about delivering the plants is that the graves are all quite a walk over uneven terrain from the road. I have enough trouble walking on even sidewalks but carrying a full flower pot is something else. This year I set a new record...I did not trip or fall!! Maybe I'm finally learning how to walk.
My next stop was Walmart and it took a couple of turns around the parking lot to find a parking space. And of course, what I was looking for was located at opposite ends of the store! I got everything I needed to finish my cake for tomorrow...and some yarn... then stopped at Burger King to get Fanny some chicken nuggets for lunch. (She loves their chicken nuggets!) Now that I'm home I don't know if I'll just sit and knit or take a shower and then a nap. No, I better knit.
Oh, if you're the praying kind, say an extra one for an old college friend of mine who just had gall bladder surgery and now has to go thru an ERCP to make sure they got all the stones.
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