This is the view south from the TV room. That's what's left of the old Boxelder that use to dominate our back yard. The old trolley road use to run on the other side of those evergreens. Now it's blocked and overgrown.
Looking out my bedroom window towards the garden and driveway, you can see the gate to Wally's land. The bases of those raised garden boxes are about 6" high and the tops are 18-20 gal plastic tubs.
This is the view west from the TV room. Wally's house is right there behind that telephone pole you can just make out in the picture. It was reported that Herkimer(village) got about 8" so far and the forecast is calling for another 12-18" of snow before Stella is finished with us today with 5-8" more tomorrow. And then some lake effect snow on Thursday. And the first day of Spring is next when? Monday?
All 60 counties in NYS
have declared snow emergencies with no unnecessary travel. So many roads are closed! I don't think we're going anywhere. Here's my car(r)...sheltered
garden table next to it!
Now look! Here's the 4pm update! (l). Never
realized how boxy my Forester is! (What's in the garage? The snow blower, the lawn mower, wheelbarrows, extra garden tubs, etc.).
I called the Ilion library and cancelled my appointment to have the AARP volunteers do my taxes this morning. The director said they're going to reschedule another session so I'll still have it done in time.
I think it's time to put some wood on the fire and look around for lunch. Jill, one of the meteorologist on WKTV, just made a can tell the storm is bad when they start closing the liquor stores.
Fanny finally followed Jeff down the stairs after supper and into the snow. When it rose above her back, she jumped up and made it back to the stairs in 1 leap...and peed on the stoop. Guess she got tired of holding it! 7:35pm 3/14/17
Snow total: 30" in Herkimer, 40" in Cooperstown...and it's starting to snow again.10am 3/15/17
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