My 'new' business cards |
never thought about the phone number being wrong! When Jeff moved in last August he brought his TimeWarner account with him and so the phone number came, too. (Doesn't make much sense to have 2 phone numbers for 2 people in a 6 room house, does it? Besides, we both have cell phones, too! How many phone numbers do we really need???) Anyway, I've tried before to find a stock design that would work for a knitter and there's really not much to pick from. This one isn't actually a 'knit' design but it's better than the one I'm using now! I'll have these in the shop by the end of the month.
I sold 1 sweater and 2 hats the first weekend the shop was open and last night got out the lemon Red
Heart acrylic yarn and started another 6 months raglan-from-the-neck-down cardigan to replace it. I think I'll move the cable over a little and put in more seed st around it...when you have only 19 sts on each front to work with there's not much you can do! Cables can't get too complicated! (After Judy gave the group a lecture at the meeting about being sure to put the description that's on the price tag on the sales slip so the crafter will know what sold, the salesperson who sold those baby hats just wrote "hat" for those sales eventho I put 'lav flower on pink' for a description of a pink baby hat with a lavender flower. Oh, well, maybe we ask for too much?)
I finished by French Iris Shawlette last night, too. I think it will be mine because I did it in Red Heart acrylic on US7's and the tension in the lace is a little tight. I could rip it out but I think I'll just keep it and try the pattern again with a larger needle. Acrylic 
doesn't block but I thinkI'll wash it and see if it relaxes before I make a
final decision. ( The
long edge rolls, too...and it's a slip st, garter st edge.) I can see this shawl in a pale color (gray or green) done on a US9, maybe? Let me
Jeff's seedlings are
doing well...and probably very happy to be inside where it's warm and dry since we had rain, snow
and freezing temperatures this past weekend. These are white potatoes...that developed 'eyes' in the bottom of the last bag of potatoes we had bought.
This week he got some seed potatoes (Kennebec, red Miokia and red Norland)and they are sitting in the sunny east window in the TV room warming up...getting ready to 'eye' and sprout. Jeff got a couple of ideas for new ways to plant potatoes off of YouTube and is itching to try them. If you've never eaten 'fresh from the garden' potatoes, you don't have any idea how really good potatoes can be!
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