More Than Knitting
I was cleaning out some of the stuff from Mom's room today when I came across these old bus tickets from a trip from Carlton Place, Ontario to Ottawa that we took nearly 47 years ago with our friend Fran and our next door neighbor,
Thelma. Thelma and her family had a small cottage on Mississippi Lake
where her husband, Bob, and my dad liked to fish. Bob had a home fuel
oil business and a gas station in Herkimer and worked hard 6 days a
week. When he suggested a trip to the lake my father always said yes
and off we went...about 4 hours to the US/Canada border and then another
4 hours to Carlton Place and their camp...but the men always felt it was
worth it. (Sometime we did round trips in 1 day!) This trip was going
to be a week's vacation so the adults planned something special for
us...a trip to Ottawa, Canada's Capital. We took the bus and toured the
city. We were 'College Girls' and between us we had about 8 years of
French but when that person stopped us on the capital steps and asked French...something or other...neither Fran or I could say a
word! Talk about feeling stupid!! I'll never forget that day. And to
top it all off, we missed the bus back to Carlton Place and had to take a one and only $50 taxi ride!
The Little Tramp? |
I also came across some old photos of me including this one taken on
Main St in Herkimer. You can just make out the old cars across the
street in the photo! I'm about 3 years old (so it's about 1953) and I
think it was taken near the Alvaro Building where we had an apartment on
the 2nd floor at the time. We didn't stay there long after Mom found
me on the fire escape looking down at the street one day. I didn't mind
moving...the shadows on my bedroom wall from the dead air shaft were
giving me nightmares. (I still remember that!) We then moved to S.
Bellinger St...heaven on earth for a little kid if you ask me...and
stayed there until I was about 8 years old. (This photo is now my
profile photo for this blog.) Mom knitted the hat and sweater...I think
they are light
gray with white angora trim. And I think the sweater is still in mom's
cedar chest! I asked one of my cousins if she can enhance the photo
before scanning it to clear it up some. Sure hope she can!
My Sunflower Hoodie sold yesterday in the shop along with several hats.
I'm working Monday and trying to finish another hoodie to fill in the
space. This one's going to have a train going around the body above the
waist and I always seem to forget to remember how much work it is. I
have to stop and untangle the yarn every few rows. Tried working with
bobbins but that doesn't help much. Oh, well, the design is almost
complete so I shouldn't complain too much. Just got to work in all
those loose ends, sew on the buttons train's wheels) and the back zipper
and it will be ready to photograph and post here. But not tonight!!
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