Jeff and I are starting down a new road together today with Fanny joyfully leading the way. We've spent yesterday and today moving furniture...with more to move! It's difficult for any couple to combine households and at our ages it may be even more difficult. I suggested we each have a private corner...chair, table and separate rooms. This house is small and we have to be careful not to spend all our time together. Above all, we're friends and we don't want living together to spoil our friendship.
I am a knitting fool! I will knit any time, any where! I'm just lucky enough to be able to sell some of my stuff to support my knitting habit.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
A New Road to Take
Jeff and I are starting down a new road together today with Fanny joyfully leading the way. We've spent yesterday and today moving furniture...with more to move! It's difficult for any couple to combine households and at our ages it may be even more difficult. I suggested we each have a private corner...chair, table and separate rooms. This house is small and we have to be careful not to spend all our time together. Above all, we're friends and we don't want living together to spoil our friendship.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
What's Growing?
Jeff's had great success this year with other peppers, too ...sweet frying peppers, long Italian hots, bell pepper (green and purple) that we've
He wants to dehydrate some of these, too, if there are any left. Last night's supper included
fried peppers and potatoes with leaks and garlic all from our garden.
The eggplant is still flowering...we've picked one, and the butternut is spreading out like crazy...starting in a box and running all over between boxes...and getting big. Jeff keeps wondering what the crops will be like if he ever gets the pH right.
(Watermelon photos added 5:57pm 8/30/15)
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
This and That
Just back from the medical center where I had a regular visit with my nurse and scored a 4.8 on my INR test (my normal range is 2.5-3.5). The only thing I've been doing different is taking hydrocod/aceta at night for the pain in my right hand...and it is a prescribed med! (In fact, I'm prescribed '1 5-325mg tab 2x/day as needed' and I'm only taking 1/2 a tab at bedtime.) Now I'm waiting for Jen to call and tell me how the doctor's going to change my warfarin dose. I can't wait. I'm already wearing a flannel shirt over a long sleeve t-shirt. If they up my warfarin I'll be adding a sweater in a day or matter what the temperature outside is! I don't understand why they can't come up with something easier to live with than warfarin when you have an artificial heart valve. Can't eat greens...hey, I'm Italian!! and now, can't take pain meds.
The last few days I've been cleaning house and not knitting but that is getting old fast! I think this afternoon will be spend sitting in the sun knitting a hat or two. Nice mindless knitting: 63 sts of worsted yarn on a US7 in stockinette for 4", then decrease down to 7 sts, pull thru and sew the seam. I left enough baseball hats in the shop Monday for the week but need flower hats. And pumpkin hats...but I'm out of orange yarn. They will have to wait until my next trip to town. After my blood test this morning I wasn't in the mood to go to Walmart for yarn...or anything. I've got to wash the windows in the bedrooms and I'm out of paper towels so that can go on my shopping list, too. I ordered new curtains for the small match the master bedroom...semi sheer whites. Hope they get here soon...just after windows are washed! Hey, I just might get my fall cleaning done while it's still summer...then I can spend my free time stacking wood.
The last few days I've been cleaning house and not knitting but that is getting old fast! I think this afternoon will be spend sitting in the sun knitting a hat or two. Nice mindless knitting: 63 sts of worsted yarn on a US7 in stockinette for 4", then decrease down to 7 sts, pull thru and sew the seam. I left enough baseball hats in the shop Monday for the week but need flower hats. And pumpkin hats...but I'm out of orange yarn. They will have to wait until my next trip to town. After my blood test this morning I wasn't in the mood to go to Walmart for yarn...or anything. I've got to wash the windows in the bedrooms and I'm out of paper towels so that can go on my shopping list, too. I ordered new curtains for the small match the master bedroom...semi sheer whites. Hope they get here soon...just after windows are washed! Hey, I just might get my fall cleaning done while it's still summer...then I can spend my free time stacking wood.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
More Than Knitting
The Little Tramp? |
My Sunflower Hoodie sold yesterday in the shop along with several hats. I'm working Monday and trying to finish another hoodie to fill in the space. This one's going to have a train going around the body above the waist and I always seem to forget to remember how much work it is. I have to stop and untangle the yarn every few rows. Tried working with bobbins but that doesn't help much. Oh, well, the design is almost complete so I shouldn't complain too much. Just got to work in all those loose ends, sew on the buttons train's wheels) and the back zipper and it will be ready to photograph and post here. But not tonight!!
Monday, August 17, 2015
On Saturday...
Fanny and I went to Cooperstown Saturday to stock the shop. Jeff didn't feel like taking the trip in the hot humid weather, but we girls just rolled down the car windows, turned up the radio and enjoyed the trip. The traffic was brisk so I set the 'cruise' at 58 mph and we rolled along with the crowd. Fanny had her head to the window...with her nose in the breeze catching the farm and lake smells. Good thing we slowed the cruise control down to 38 mph along the lake coz we passed a trooper leading the traffic going north! (It's a 35 mph area!)
Anita, one of our jewelers, was working in the shop when we got there and she had the earrings I had ordered to go with the scarf pin she made me in June. Beautiful, aren't they? Now I just have to
find time to make a scarf or cowl that really shows them off. She makes
some fantastic earrings but I can't wear french wires...I have a short, fat neck and tend to flip them out!
I put the 2 hoodie sweaters and this flower sweater (all are size 2) on display but I forgot the clips to hang the hoods correctly. (Oh, well I'll put them in my bag and if the sweaters are still there next week I'll hang them then.) The embroidery is a little different on this sweater, too. Gotta keep changing things, keeping them fresh. I also put out 3 baseball, 1 pumpkin and 1 flower hat. When we got home I started a Black Sheep sweater...again, a size Frosty Green. Instead of another flying trip to the shop, I'm going to mail this one to Judy...with a couple of hats. The postage will be less than gas and a trip to the post office will be shorter than to Cooperstown!
We topped the trip with a stop for ice McDonald's coz I wasn't sure Fanny liked ice cream. I had them flip her cone into a cup and she gobbled it down, totally enjoying it! I did, too!! Jeff said he's never met a dog who doesn't like ice cream.
Yesterday Jeff switched computers on me/for me again. His sister got a new all-in-one and handed down her 2 yr old Dell. Jeff's PC is only 3 yrs old so I got a new PC...again. And I had just finished downloading Windows 10 to the rebuilt HP! Anyway, this Dell has great contrast and hooks up to the TV so we can watch programs streaming from the internet...which I have been doing on the HP! Jeff hasn't figured out how to get the TV to play the audio from the PC but since they're about 5 ft apart we can just turn up the audio on the PC until he does. We've got the speakers to the Dell we can use if Jeff can figure out where to plug them into the TV.
Supper last night was very good...if I say so myself. We had Angie's Chicken (boneless, skinless chicken breasts, egged and breaded in her special way but done on the RONCO instead of fried), hot Italian sausage (also on the RONCO), blue potato that was kind of weird because blue potatoes stay blue almost purple when cooked, and breaded and fried zucchini...from our garden. There was just enough leftover for Jeff's late night snack! Supper was so good there wasn't any need for dessert!!
some fantastic earrings but I can't wear french wires...I have a short, fat neck and tend to flip them out!
We topped the trip with a stop for ice McDonald's coz I wasn't sure Fanny liked ice cream. I had them flip her cone into a cup and she gobbled it down, totally enjoying it! I did, too!! Jeff said he's never met a dog who doesn't like ice cream.
Yesterday Jeff switched computers on me/for me again. His sister got a new all-in-one and handed down her 2 yr old Dell. Jeff's PC is only 3 yrs old so I got a new PC...again. And I had just finished downloading Windows 10 to the rebuilt HP! Anyway, this Dell has great contrast and hooks up to the TV so we can watch programs streaming from the internet...which I have been doing on the HP! Jeff hasn't figured out how to get the TV to play the audio from the PC but since they're about 5 ft apart we can just turn up the audio on the PC until he does. We've got the speakers to the Dell we can use if Jeff can figure out where to plug them into the TV.
Supper last night was very good...if I say so myself. We had Angie's Chicken (boneless, skinless chicken breasts, egged and breaded in her special way but done on the RONCO instead of fried), hot Italian sausage (also on the RONCO), blue potato that was kind of weird because blue potatoes stay blue almost purple when cooked, and breaded and fried zucchini...from our garden. There was just enough leftover for Jeff's late night snack! Supper was so good there wasn't any need for dessert!!
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Keeping Busy
Why do people keep coming into this place? |
Yesterday we sat by the garden and enjoyed the weather. Jeff checked the plants before starting to water them. The of 3...had grown
One of 3 zucchini doing well. |
Kind of cute...for a squash! |
A Bean Tower...or Christmas Tree? |
Farmer Day checking his crops |
While Farmer Day has been busy I've been busy too, knitting. I've done 2 hoodies, both size 9 months with back zippers and Henley fronts.
(edited 8/10/15)
Monday, August 3, 2015
Hello, New Refridgerator!
A couple of years ago we replaced our normal-size refrigerator (it had died from old old age) with a 3.2cc dorm-size unit. With just 'us', having the chest freezer was enough freezer space and the refrigerator space was usually large enough...except when Jeff bought beef, pork and chicken to can all at the same it seemed like a good idea. It really cut the electric bill! Last week...just about that 90 degree day...our little refrigerator decided it had had it and gave up the ghost...or ran out of gas! Jeff tried to buy a gas kit to replenish it but couldn't find a tap for the line. We spent a couple of days looking on-line and in the stores for another dorm-size unit and found a 4.5cc Kenmore at K-Mart that had to be ordered, a 4.5cc no-name brand at Walmart and a 4.5 cc Kenmore at Sears that we could just pick up and take home. We ended up with the Kenmore at Sears that came with a 3 year replacement warranty. (We've had good luck with replacement warranties having gotten one on the reciprocating saw we got at Lowe and replaced 3 times just for the cost of the warranty!) We got it today and Jeff 's just finishing switching the way the door opens and making sure it's level.
Since it's larger than the one it replaces there's less room on top so I'm going to have to find a new home for the junk that lived on top. The Pyrex 9x13 pan will still fit and the square CorningWare dishes can nestle inside the Pyres but the cereal boxes and nut chopper will have to go somewhere else. Oh, the Berkey still fits next to it and they look good together since they're both stainless steel. Now we're looking at paint chips for the cupboard and walls but that can wait. There's always something. My mother said there was a saying in Italian that said don't bitch at somebody, just tell them to buy a house.
Since it's larger than the one it replaces there's less room on top so I'm going to have to find a new home for the junk that lived on top. The Pyrex 9x13 pan will still fit and the square CorningWare dishes can nestle inside the Pyres but the cereal boxes and nut chopper will have to go somewhere else. Oh, the Berkey still fits next to it and they look good together since they're both stainless steel. Now we're looking at paint chips for the cupboard and walls but that can wait. There's always something. My mother said there was a saying in Italian that said don't bitch at somebody, just tell them to buy a house.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Summer Keeps Rolling Along
It's August 1st already! When did that happen? Half of the summer is gone already and we've had only 1 day over 90! I'm taking so much Warfarin the heat doesn't bother me. I may be the only person who was comfortable on that 90 degree day!
I worked in the shop today and found my hat display ravaged by customers. I had sold 20 hats
Flower Hats had been
replenished. I like that
I also brought 2 sweaters that got a lot of compliments. This (L) is the 2nd Black Sheep Sweater I've done this summer. (The black sheep is on the back.)
The first one sold quickly. Hope this one does, too. The other sweater I took down today is this Blue Flower on Lemon Sweater (R). I like this sweater but I wasn't too happy when I ran out of yarn near the bottom and had to buy another skein to finish it. Much to my surprise, my Pin Stripe Sweater sold today! I keep saying I'll only do one a year but it didn't last on the shelf very long and I'm tempted to do another...maybe a smaller size. It might stripe up faster! We'll see.
I worked in the shop today and found my hat display ravaged by customers. I had sold 20 hats
My Hat Display this morning 8/1/15 |
during July! Good thing I brought hats today to restock! The display looked much better by the end of the day. The Pumpkin Hats were back in the Halloween display
and the Baseball and My Hat Display at the end of the day |
replenished. I like that
light blue Bucket hat on the left side of this photo but no one seems to agree with me enough to buy it. It's cotton and would make a nice sun hat for a toddler. Oh, well, somewhere out there there is a shopper looking for that hat. Hope they make it to Cooperstown soon.
While I was in the shop Jeff and Fanny were at home together. He was busy cutting wood and Fanny was busy collecting mementos of of my Crocs, a pair of get the idea...and taking them to bed with her. Since she hasn't slept on my bed in 3 or 4 nights it seems strange she should use my bed to store her treasures. At least she won't forget me!
Blue Potatoes |
Baked Blue Potatoes |
We've also started to enjoy the garden. Some of the potatoes may not be large (so I just cook extras) but they all have been good! We have a very colorful potato, white and blue potatoes. Here are some of the blues which stay blue when cooked...except when fried, then they turn black. The white potatoes are still the best...they get the biggest but we're enjoying them all. Jeff's also picking zucchini...that's on the menu for tomorrow!
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