Farmer Day's Garden
Jeff's garden is growing nicely. The corn (rear left box) is higher than that in the farmers' fields I've seen around here. There are beans in the boxes under the tower in the background and peppers in the bags in the kiddie pool. Both are doing well...the peppers have started to blossom...that's the white flower you can see on the plants in this photo below. I don't know which ones are hot or sweet right now...after the fruit forms I think I can tell...I hope.
That's chives in bloom in the photo to the right (rear right corner) and to the right (upper left corner)in the one below. Such pretty lavender flowers! Jeff hasn't gotten around to recovering the greenhouse, yet, but he will. He wants to reenforce the ribs. Maybe he'll
put some tomatoes in there. The lettuce is doing well in the long box to the left. There's peas in the row behind it that have just started to reach for the trellis. This is our first year growing peas. Jeff's built up the potato boxes and is alternating layers of leaves,
mulch and dirt when he hills them. Some people just use hay or straw to hill their potatoes so we'll see what this combination produces.
The leaves on the ground between the boxes helps
to keep the weeds down and Jeff only has to use the weed-wacker a couple a times a month. The box arrangement also makes it easier to drag the hose thru to water the garden. He's going to put in a 2nd outdoor faucet...on this side of the make it easier still. He found an pipe entrance that isn't being used so he won't have to drill a hole in the foundation wall. That's next month's project. Before then Jeff's got to build a couple more boxes for the melons and sweet potatoes that are still in the TV room.
(This use to be the first lawn people saw when they drove up to our house and usually needed to be mowed weekly. As a garden there is a lot less grass I have to cut. I like it a lot more. Jeff can add as many boxes as he wants!)added 6/9/15
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