In the meantime, I've stayed busy knitting (what else?!?). In the last day and a half I made 3 ladies hats--2 with rolled brims and 1 with a flat brim--they just need their roses and bows. Today I'll knit the roses but I'm all out of ribbon. That will have to wait for a trip to Walmart. I've got to get milk and Rx's so maybe later today. For some reason the hats are appealing to customers and they are selling quite well...twice the the customer bought 2! I don't like wearing hats so I don't really understand the attraction but .... A lace-y baby sweater set sold yesterday so after the roses I'll do one of those. That should keep me busy until Monday. Then I can do more baby hats... baseball, apple and between mowing the lawn.
Jeff had to tie up one of the tomato plants after an especially hard rain the other day. The fruit was so heavy the branches had bent over and started to break. He gave it a dose of compost tea (yes, even after all that rain!) when he did and yesterday it looked pretty sprite. There are so many tomatoes on it they were too heavy for the stem! Hope the plant can make it.
I decided to split my bundle with TimeWarner and get DISH. You get HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz and Blockbuster free for 3 months! The only channel I'll miss is the Smithsonian. I'm going to keep the phone and internet with TimeWarner. Jeff's sister has DISH and loves it. I don't like the movies I can get for free on TimeWarner so maybe I'll watch more least for 3 months!
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