Jeff's been busy with boxes for the garden. Last week he built boxes for 3 sides of and in the middle of the bean tower, another 4x4 for a space in the garden and even made a large flower box for me and we moved dirt from the big boxes out back to them. With both of us filling wheelbarrows and moving dirt the new boxes were filled quickly. Jeff planted cucumbers, zucchini and eggplant, and cantaloupe in the bean tower, and sweet potatoes in the new 4x4 box in the garden. Then he tipped the big box over to empty it and moved it, rolling it on logs to the garden where we'll refill it with dirt from the second big box which will then be moved next to it...end to end. The third big box will be put in the garden from the apple tree towards the sitting area. I think that leaves room for one more 4x4 box. I know the herbs will go in one of the big boxes and I hope the ground cherries get their own box. The tomatoes are doing well...and they are from seed! Most have flowers and the plants are stocky and lush. The peppers have flowers, too, and there is even a pepper on one! Jeff was saying something the other day about getting some more hot pepper plants if we have room in the boxes for them. Since the beans are not in the bean tower this year but in boxes, they have trellis which they are quickly out growing! Once all the boxes are in place, Jeff wants to till between them and mulch them with wood chips. We've only bought one trailer load each of compost and top soil to fill the new boxes and will probably have to get another load each to fill the last big box. In the fall Jeff will add some compost to each box so they will be ready planting in the spring.
Not much has been selling in the shop these last few weeks but I have been knitting between filling my wheelbarrow with dirt and mowing the lawn. I did a couple of baseball hats to replace some that sold and a red v-neck cardigan with baseball buttons to compete with the navy and white pin-stripe v-neck sweater I did last week. (Can't legally put logos on them but most fans recognize the pin-stripes/solid red sweaters.) Today I did a couple of apple hats with little brown stems and green leaves after I saw something similar on a website. I called them "Apple of My Eye" hat. Maybe they will appeal to some grandmothers. Hope so. Anyway, they're ready for the shop.
Tomorrow I have to go to the Eye Clinic in Cooperstown. I have been having a cloudy discharge from my right eye which has several skin tags on the lids, both eyes are irritated from something airborne...we're outside so much!...and it's time for an eye exam anyway, so when I saw my regular doctor today (we're still trying to get my INR to stay in range) she referred me to the ophthalmologist in Herkimer but the girl at Scheduling said I had to go to C'town first and do my follow-ups in Herkimer and got me an appointment for tomorrow morning. (That's fast!) Jeff's going to drive coz I don't know if I'd be able to drive home. It's always something, isn't it?
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