It seems as if there are not enough hours in a day to get everything done lately but we keep trying. Friday Jeff and I worked outside and finally got all the cut wood stacked in the new wood shed. There was even room to move the

stack that was behind the garage into the shed! Good thing, coz Jeff wanted to unload the trailer and didn't think stacking pallets against a tree looked so good. I also trimmed 2 of the lilac bushes and managed to trip over a silver maple root sending myself forward on to my knees while carrying an armload of branches. I cut my right arm on the fender of the utility trailer and bruised both knees. I'm trying to get my mortgage refinanced and the appraiser was due that afternoon. We showed him around the yard and inside the house and he took many photos. Jeff had just changed the filter on the water system so the smell of sulfur wasn't too noticeable Now we just wait for the verdict. We think there's about 50-75 pallets cut up and stacked...and that's only half of the wood shed. When we start working on the 2nd half, I've been instructed to count and keep track of every pallet. We started to rake off the garden too, but ran out of steam!
Saturday we went garage sale hunting. Jeff got an antique shingle hatchet (the lady who was selling it had to ask him what it was!) Early in the week I had said something about changing the ceiling fixture in the kitchen and Jeff found a brand new fixture at a sale for $3. He thought it would take 20-30 minutes to switch fixtures but he didn't figure in dealing with frayed 70 year old wires. He had to replace some wire... luckily we had some or it would have meant a trip to Lowe's...and there was enough slack to pull thru from the switch for the other. Those dark spots on the ceiling are scorch marks from the old fixture (l). Mom always wanted the biggest light bulbs she could get in that fixture. The ceiling tiles were so dry and brittle! We were very lucky not to have had a fire. The new fixture (r) is a little smaller but looks very good...even better when I got the right size chandelier bulbs in it. Now the ceiling is asking for a new coat of paint. Some time this summer, I promise. Jeff suggested

painting the cupboards and walls, too. He doesn't like my color scheme. Got to start looking for the wallpaper border to use above the chair rail first.
Today we finished raking the leaves off the garden. Besides being raked up, they had to be picked up and dumped next to the compost bin. (Jeff decided to use the trailer instead of the wheelbarrow so it was just one trip...and he backed it up without any trouble.) I don't think I was much help but I raked what I could. Yesterday I discovered that while I am right handed, I lead...or rake...with my left. I have a stiff neck and sore left shoulder from yesterday's raking. I think tomorrow may be a day off so we can go back to the Brick House Greenhouse outside of Frankfort and get some tomato plants that weren't ready when we were first there.
I had started another size 9mo hoodie, this time in a Bernat Baby Boucle (a blue and white self-stripping called Skipper Stripes). It works up very much like terry cloth and is a real bitch to rip out but so far looks pretty good. If I finish it before Friday I'll have 3 sweater to take to the shop. All I sold last weekend was a pumpkin hat. Things have to get moving down there...soon. All the stores are complaining about lack of sales. I hope it wasn't a mistake to order the cotton yarn for those adult tank tops. Maybe they'll be a good seller.