Oh, What a Day!
Yesterday's mini snowstorm was almost a welcome relief. I didn't do much...just didn't feel like it ...or... up to it. Having fallen 3 times in 2 weeks has left me sore, stiff and bruised. The first fall was that trip via the dog's treat ball. My fault but still.... My right hand is stiff and sore...especially the ring finger and although the x-rays showed nothing abnormal, the finger is still swollen and painful. Then fall #2 occurred Sunday night. I stood up and fell down, bouncing off Jeff's chair again and hitting my forehead on the copper wood kettle. (Stone cold sober, too.) My left shoulder works when it wants and hurts when it does. Heat helps and if I move slowly I can do it all. I was sure I'd have a black and blue mark across my forehead but no, just a spot that is painful to touch. And a good scrape on my right knee. (Denim can really burn!) The greatest fall was Tuesday morning. It was sunny and bitter cold and everything was frozen. I had a bag of clean laundry for mom in one hand and a crate of empty water jugs in the other. I gingerly stepped off the ramp telling my self to be careful and not.... My feet didn't listen and I was suddenly on all fours on the ice. There was no way to get any traction so I turned over and scooted across the ice on my butt to the snow ...making sure it was not a spot that Fanny had 'used'...and was able to get back on my feet. I had scrapped both knees that time and now they are scabbed and sore, reminding me of a summer on Dewey Ave when I was determined to roller skate eventho I couldn't keep those old key-tightened skates on my feet. Tylenol at bedtime has helped me sleep and I can still knit... just not for very long...slowing down my production line. I did get Jeff's birthday present done.

The grippie cloth soles were a real pain to sew on until I started using a fine paper punch to outline the edge. They sew on easily now! Cutting them out with pinking scissors is still hard for me especially with these sore fingers. I keep saying I'm going to do a pair for me and when I cleaned the stash I found that I had started them. In fact, one is finished! Now I just have to do the other and sew on the soles. I've also made good progress on the baby sweater my cousin asked to make for him,too. I'm using Bernat Baby Coordinates in a color called Sherbet. The silvery thread makes it look very nice but is easy to catch, splice and drop.
Today I had a 9 am appointment to have my taxes done. The last couple of years I've been having them done by AARP volunteers and have been quite pleased with my returns. I was the 1st client my volunteer had seen this morning and 2 hours and 3 volunteers later I had my taxes done...ready to be mailed in coz there was a problem none of them could figure out that was stopping them from e-filing the return. I stopped at the post office on the way home and instead of getting my refund in 3 days it will probably be 3 weeks if I'm lucky. I had a list of errands to do today after my tax appointment and still managed to do all but 1 of them. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.
I rewarded my self with a pizza for supper which Fanny shared and now I'm going to go stoke up the fire and get comfortable. There must be something good on tonight...if not, I'll knit.
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