What do you mean...I'm not a lapdog? |
The day after Valentine's Day has started out bright and sunny. Jeff and Fanny are still asleep in the other bedroom. A queen size bed may be big, but for 2 large people and a dog it's sometimes a tight fit. They were playing tug of war so hard last night neither of us noticed Fanny had changed tactics and the next thing I saw was the dog peeing under the kitchen table. Now, that did not make me happy. But as I got up yelling, Jeff, who's usually the 1st one to discipline the dog, took the blame for not noticing what she was up to. We had a very confused doggie for awhile there and I still had to clean it up.

Fanny got a treat ball from a swap buddy of mine a month or so ago and has been having a good time with it. Shaped like an egg, it's got perforations on both ends and screws together in the middle. You fill it with the dog's favorite small treats and they roll it around leaving a trail of goodies. Fanny has learned that if you hold one end in your month and bat the either with a paw, the ball will eventually unscrew and you'll be showered with treats for the effort. Tuesday I was home alone and moved the ball with my foot as I walked across the tv room. I saw out of the corner of my eye that it had moved...well, half of it had moved but I didn't realize that until I stepped into the other half and was falling. I bounced off a chair and ended up on the floor on my back. Fanny came running to offer comfort...licking my face...as I checked myself for injuries. My shoulder and hip were sore...where I fit the chair...and my hand hurt like hell. A quick range of motion test and gentle massage showed that nothing was broken that I could tell but the ring finger on the right hand had already started to swell. Ice and heat were called for...and some self pity. The comfort those 3 offered was short-lived and I eventually just went back to knitting. Since my style of knitting uses only the thumb and forefinger on both hands to move the work along the needles, I figured out how to hold the sore finger and was back to work. I figured if I couldn't hold the finger still I'd just stabilize it with some tape. Back in college I broke toes on both feet coz I was always...barefoot...in the wrong place when the bathroom door was pushed open. The first time it happened I wrapped the foot with an ace bandage and just hobbled around for awhile. When I broke a toe on the other foot I used masking tape to hold the bones together. Years later when I had a full body x-ray for something and the tech was identifying abnormalities, it was pointed out that one toe had been set much better than the other. Guess which one?..the one I had used masking tape on! I didn't have any idea where the masking tape was Tuesday but I could see a roll of duck tape on the hutch in the kitchen if I needed it. I had a regular doctor's appointment scheduled for yesterday morning so I decided to have the hand checked out then. The bruises and swelling were noted and the hand and shoulder were x-rayed. Results still pending but I didn't get any urgent phone calls from the health center so I don't think anything was badly injured.
In the meantime I'm knitting my way thru the acrylic yarn I found in the stash. I've got 3 sheep sweater sets in my 'new merchandise' bag (not normal for this time of year since I usually do not knit in January but since I retired I'm knitting and reading more) and another about half finished. Baseball sweaters will be next but today will probably be spent stacking wood. OH...Sounds like my sleeping beauties are getting up, time to put the coffee on!