Oh what a day it's been. We picked up Fanny, the new dog after work today. She rode home in the back seat...with me (l, below)...and explored around the yard(r, below) when we got there before going inside to meet Mom. I don't think she liked the pulley run on the deck after she got tangled in a table that was on there and pulled the table off the deck peeling the siding off the door jam.(above) Remember, she's only 22 lbs right now!

Tonight's been a little difficult for her, too. She fits nicely under the bed...oh what she's found under there! And even managed to climb/jump up onto it once or twice. We've been practicing commands tonight...mainly, 'no, down'. She's upset with the dogs on the hill who are howling and barking right now and is laying under the pc table between my feet. Jeff's managed to get my cold/allergies/whatever and has left tonight to me. Gee, thanks! Already Fanny acts/reacts better with him. I think these training opportunities are more for her than me!! Right now I'd like to get some sleep, too.
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