Well, it's done and I'm wearing it today! I thought I'd never get my February Lady Sweater finished but between the dvd Mamma Mia and my knitting group last night I finished it! I decided to wear it today and have a photo taken that I can post here. And, maybe, a co-worker will like it so much she'll offer to buy it! Naw, I'm not that lucky!
I'm finishing a baby sweater for my Avon Lady that someone else had started and then I'm going to make some baby socks to use up left over yarn. I'm still knitting from my stash and I have a lot of leftover sock yarn so that should keep me busy for awhile!
No word if that slow boat to China has docked yet with Fred's Vest. School officially opened on Monday and the package was to be delivered to the headmaster's office. If the first days of school over there are anything like it is here, I'll give them a couple of days to get organized before I expect a reply. I've been looking at patterns for briefcase-type bags for his next package and found a Monk's Bag that I think he'll like. He's always been interested in Tibet and Buddhism and he's planning to visit Lhasa in the spring.
Time to get working. We're doing the annual patron count here at the library this week and yesterday we had 215+ people come in. Not bad for a small town library.
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