A long weekend comes in handy once and awhile and this one was no different. I got ambitious and cleaned the den...moving furniture, scattering dust and generally aggravating my allergies. (I knew I was allergic to cleaning!) By the end of Saturday I had a clean den, a nice tidy stack of patterns and magazines, and swollen itchy eyes. That didn't stop me from working on my Avon Lady's baby sweater...a vintage sachet with alternate purl-knit stripes done on size 1 needles posted here, and a pair of fingerless mitts to send to a friend in China. (No, not Fred. He's one of those who says 'no one wears them'.) With those projects finished I'm looking for another sweater to make for myself. Maybe in sport yarn this time. There were a couple in the new Interweave Knits that came on Saturday that looked good. Decisions. Decisions. Oh well, while I ponder I guess I'll make another baby set for the shop.