Okay, you knew about my having the WATCHMAN device implanted in my heart so I can get off of the damn Eliquis that caused my major GI bleed. Procedure on Sept 5th. It went like a breeze. Now fast forward 45 days to Oct 24th when I go back in for planned a TEE procedure. (Trans Esophageal Endoscopy). The object of which is to measure the healing. They knock you out, put a tube down your esophagus, then put a much smaller tube into that tube which has some high tech camera/sensor on it. It takes high quality graphics because it’s so close to the heard. It is supposed to do what it does the vast majority of the time. That is to view complete healing (growth of new heart tisssue) across atop of the device. At this time they likely take you off of all blood thinners for good and you are home free. Well then comes along Tim Bannigan. When I come to after the procedure the Dr. says, “this is very very rare, happening in less than 1 out of 500 cases”. I think, “Oh shit, this isn’t going to be good.” He explains that I have developed a large Clot in my heart right atop of the device. So the standard procedure for this now is to go back on my full dose of daily Eliquis and Plavix for the next three months to hopefully see the Clot is dissolved and gone.
So, after I swore all the way home, kicked the dog (not really), and watched my BP go up and stay there, I had to go back to my WATCHMAN Dr. I “accused him of practicing Irish medicine”. He said, what’s that. I replied, I start out with A-Fib, start to take Eliquis for 7 years. Then have a major GI bleed. Then you and several other Drs. convince me that the WATCHMAN is going to save me by getting me off of the Eliquis that was going to kill me. I get the WATCHMAN implanted, have complications, delelop a large clot in my heart. Now what is supposed to save my life is the “exact same medication and dosages” that were destined to kill me only a few weeks ago. “THAT IS IRISH MEDICINE DOCTOR!” It’s So Ridiculously Absurd that Im actually laughing at it.