Our Berkey Water Filter system finally arrived...right after one of our many

snowstorms and the delivery man couldn't find his way to our door (the snow was too deep) so he left it at Wally's next door. I called Wally and he brought the box up when he went to get the mail but he couldn't get to the door either, so he left it on top of the snowbank in front of the car. Got it in the house and put together and about an hour later...we had clean, drinkable water on the counter across from the sink! So much better than in a plastic jug that had to be refilled at Walmart! But it's not a Berkey. It's a Crystal Drop...just like a Berkey (but...I hope...cheaper). The filters are expensive...about $25 each...and it takes 4-6. We have 4 in it right now but Jeff thinks 6 would be better. They'd last longer. I haven't ordered them yet for a couple of reason: 6 x $25 is half as much as we paid for the whole thing in the first place and the place is closed until March 1st. I can wait till Spring to order new filters. We got a new microwave the same week as the new water filter. Electrical appliances don't have a long live in our house due to the sulfur water. The iron sulfide in the air is attracted to the copper wires in just about everything and once it builds up, that's the end for that! When we looked at micros at Walmart I saw the display for air fryers nearby and mentioned I'd like one. When we went back to buy the micro we ended up with one that had an air fryer and a convection oven included. Well, so far it wasn't a wise buy. The air fryer and I aren't getting along. I couldn't do hamburgs in it, or french fries or fish. They don't cook all the way thru in the time they're suppose to...or else they're dried up. I do like the micro...some of the time, and the convection oven will be nice to use in the summer. I did a frozen pizza that came out ok--except I burnt it. I'll get the hang of the damn thing...eventually! But every time Jeff uses it, the clock has to be reset!!
I'm about finished with my first sweater for the shop. It's a girls' size 4 hoodie with
a Henley neck. I'vegot to decide what color buttons to put it...they'll match the flowers that will be embordered (french knots around the sheep.) It will have a zipper in the back, too. Then I'll do a cardigan, maybe in a size 2 so I don't run out of yarn! It's a variation of my Black Sheep sweater (but no black sheep!). I thought it was time for a change. I haven't been too pleased with the yarn available at Walmart's this winter so I've been ordering yarn on line. I've gotten some pink yarn that I can use to make a couple more of this variation and then it will be time to do some baseball-themed sweaters. The Hall of Fame just announced that Induction, set for July 20, will be televised-only so that will lessen the crowds in town. Hope it doesn't keep everybody home!
We're set for another snowstorm tomorrow (3-7")afternoon & night. The only appointment we have is for my monthly INR in the afternoon. I hope the snow holds off so I can get to the library afterwards, too. (Time to exchange books!!) I hate to say this but if we get half of that we'll have about 30" on the ground. WOW! Remember when we were kids...30" was a dream come true! My cousin and I were talking last night and we both said we never remember complaining about there being too much snow, or it being too cold, or too slippery. Now, we get an inch and everybody starts complaining! And you don't see kids playing outside in the snow much anymore, either. oh, I just realized there hasn't been a single snowmobile around our house all winter! Now, that I don't miss!