March came in gentle as a lamb on Thursday. People were running around in shorts and t-shirts but Mother Nature was having a good laugh at our expense because this is what we woke up to on Friday. At first the forecast was for 3-5" of snow overnight but it got closer to the 7" mark by the time the sun came up. The rest of the day we were suppose to get 6-10" which they changed to 9-13" and finally settled for 10-16"...all wet, heavy snow that caused power lines to snap and trees to break. Or bend over as you can see in these photos. Jeff had spent Thursday morning getting the snow blower
onto the Cub Cadet and he found out as he tried
to make his way down to Wally's that he had it attached incorrectly. He
kept getting stuck but eventually made it past
the fence and headed towards Wally's garage. He had asked if he could pull into the garage and reattached the blower in there where there is a cement floor and not have to crawl around thru the snow. Unfortunately, the Cub Cadet got stuck in front of the garage and Jeff had to walk back up to the house and get the walk behind blower and clear a 2nd strip down to Wally's. He got the tractor loose and then cleared a path to Wally's deck with the walk behind. By then he had a broken belt on the Cub Cadet. Wally took over trying to clear the driveway with his rider but ran into
some trouble when he got to the mouth of the driveway. (The Town manages to fill the mouth and block it very well.) Wally ended up a broken belt on his Cub Cadet, too, and the driveway is still impassable.
The cedar tree at the corner of our TV room was bent in half with part of it leaning on the roof last night. The part that was on the roof has
straightened up but this part is still bent over this morning. The snow has slipped off the TV room's a steel roof, and the porch roof...also metal. There are a lot of small branches down but I can't see any major damage in our yard. This branch came off a big
oak along the west side of the property and missed the house by a couple of feet. The lilacs along the back of the property took a hard hit, too. The big purple one has been broken by branches falling on it and snowing weighing it down. Oh, well, a little pruning will help everything.
Wally's electrical entrance took a major hit and is loose but still hanging on. We lost power for a few minutes last night but it came back. My cousin Ed on Folts Road was without power for part of the afternoon but finally got it back. Just in time, too, since he relies on a sump pump to keep his cellar dry. He said water was within 2" of his furnace when the power was finally restored.
Today it's sunny and cold outside, a beautiful winter day. Any hope for an early spring has been dashed. The view from my window is of a snow covered field. Maybe we'll be able to get out by Monday. I sure hope so but in the meantime I'll knit. I finally finished by size 4 Black Sheep sweater. I think the next couple of sweaters will be small sizes, 1's and 2's. They go faster, use less yarn and I don't get bored doing them. I found I was getting lost working on the size 4...losing my way working thru the pattern. And besides, the pile of library books next to me was more interesting than the sweater I was knitting!