The seeds for the rainbow tomatoes are here. Just got to get Jeff interested in starting them. We've got about a month before we can
plant anything outside so there is plenty of time to start them inside. He's been trying to cut the rest of last year's wood pile but every time he cuts wood it rains for the next 2 days! (I'm still waiting for my cherry bushes to get here.)
I haven't felt much like knitting but I finally got 2 more Black Sheep sweaters finished...except for the embroidery and buttons. (One sold in the shop this month.) The first one is a size 2 in Red Heart's Jade and the 2nd one is a size 1 in Red Heart's Amethyst, both knitted on a US 7. I've also done a couple of cotton sun hats done in Sugar'n Cream. Maybe cotton baby hats will sell thisplant anything outside so there is plenty of time to start them inside. He's been trying to cut the rest of last year's wood pile but every time he cuts wood it rains for the next 2 days! (I'm still waiting for my cherry bushes to get here.)
summer. I got the 3 skeins of Ice Yarn that I bought online...Ice Yarn is a self-stripping acrylic
...but I'm not liking the
way it's working up. Maybe I'll keep just keep the skein I've started and put the other 2 in my next swap package.
Jeff finally paid the fine for driving the Outback after the inspection expired. He got stopped 3 or 4 times between Aldi's in Ilion and home one day. He was sure it was going to be a whooper because the state surcharge alone was going to be $100 but he got lucky and the local fine was only $50 (total fine $150). Unfortunately, the Outback didn't quite pass inspection because the computer didn't have enough info stored in it. Dave gave him a temporary sticker and Jeff has to take it back in on Monday. We're both pretty sure the bill for this will be up there. How much money do you put in a 18-year old car???
Fanny didn't like that trip any better! She hid under Jeff's chair in the waiting room there! She got a treatment for her ear infection, a shot for her allergies, a DHPP booster and a tick repellant collar. Total cost $203. At least the
groomer gave her a pretty kerchief that she seems to like to wear. I finally had to take it off her to wash it!
I got my 2nd Yarn Pal package from England yesterday. It has some nice yarn and some really interesting 'bits' as my Pal put it. The camera needs to be charged then I'll take some photos and put them in here X.
(Promise!) Thank you, Jakki Smith from Nottingham, England. I love the sheep/heart note card. Isn't it cute? (photo added 4/20/17)
The last time I worked I talked to a lady who was originally from Cooperstown but no longer lived there. She was visiting and buying little things to take back home with her to her friends. We got to talking about books...compared books we both had with us...and she told me about the latest M C Beaton/Hamish McBeth mysteries. When I got home I ordered them from the library and have been neglecting my knitting...and just about everything read. Got 1 more here and the latest one Death of a Ghost, waiting at the library. Time to go to Scotland and solve a murder! (Boy, I'd love to go to Scotland...murder or not!!)
Got a phone call from the shop this morning. Seems I've had a good week. Sold 2 sweaters yesterday and another one this morning. Looks like I'll have to get those 2 Black Sheep cardigans finished this week and do something in a size 6mo before I go down next Saturday. I'll have to order more yarn from Mary Maxim to replace the 6mo one that sold. And I got a nice note from the Yarn Pal I sent a package to, Nina James, in Ringmer, E Sussex, England. She's expecting a grandbaby in May and because of arthritis only knits toys or blankets. Maybe I'll knit a 6mo sweater and send it to her. (added 4/29/17)