August is coming to a close with a wide variety of weather. It's been hazy, hot and humid; clear, sunny and breezy; and stormy and wet. The garden has finally started to produce. We've been feasting on broccoli; green beans, peppers (hot and not) and onions; and zucchini. There are tomatoes but most are still green. The 3 Mr Stripey plants...that I paid $2.99/plant...have a total of 4 tomatoes on them and one of them has to produce seeds for next year. Jeff's raised-from-seed varieties are doing about the same. And the volunteer plants--from last year that self-seeded---keep popping up in unexpected places and are producing, too. Jeff's got 3 or 4 cantaloupe the size tennis balls that may actually ripen! The red cabbage has finally started to form heads and there is one white eggplant that may end up as Parmesan. Most of the greens (lettuce, escarole, kale etc) didn't make it. There are a lot of if only they would grow. I'll just mention in passing that the beets, turnips, parsnips and rutabaga that are doing well but since they are not on my list of favorite veggies.... The one sunflower plant that survived is now taller than the miniature apple tree and has bout 2 dozen flowerbuds on it! Jeff is discouraged with the garden but we're doing so much better than other gardens we see that I won't complain too much. He's still building and filling the raised bed-boxes (next year we'll have the area between the boxes covered with wood chips) and spending his free time fishing down at Lock 18. Fanny and I go along sometime but I think I'm better off staying home. There aren't any 'facilities' at the lock and I never got the hang of going behind a tree.
My sales in the shop in Cooperstown have been pretty good this summer. Baby sweater sets and novelty hats keep selling...that may have something to do with keeping my space full since I worked 3 times in 10 days! I'm scheduled to work again next Saturday and I'm trying to build up my stock of baby socks and pumpkin hats. Of course, if a sweater or 2 sells this weekend I'll have to do something about that, too. Jeff got me hooked on the writing of Craig Johnson (modern western/mystery) thru the cable tv show Longmire. I've been treating myself to a book break between knitting projects (I think Johnson is on par with Tony Hillerman...both have Native Americans as major characters) but I'm without a book right now so that means I'll keep knitting!
I am a knitting fool! I will knit any time, any where! I'm just lucky enough to be able to sell some of my stuff to support my knitting habit.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Today's Plans
Plans for today called for me to use the recently acquired Outback to drive to Cooperstown to work in the shop while Jeff got to drive the Forester (with the smashed in passenger door) with the utility trailer down the road to our friend Gary's horse farm for some manure. Well, as the say, the best laid plans.... I stopped at Subway and got my lunch (a 6" sub, 21 oz soda and small bag of chips) for less than $5 and headed south on Rte 28. There was enough construction on the hill to slow things down...a I made it to Cooperstown shortly after 10 am. I opened the shop and watered the flowers boxes before filling the 8 empty water gallons I had brought with me. By 10:45 am I was settling in with my knitting, waiting for customers. That's when the plan changed for me. A guy walking by the front of the shop came in and told me I had a flat tire. Yep, it was definitely soft, if not totally flat. I called the roadside assistance number on my insurance card and tried to explain what was happening and where. The operator connected me with a tow service in Cobleskill who didn't want to make the trip to C'town to just change a tire and handed the call back to the operator. Try #2 got me connected with a service in Oneonta...who also didn't want to come to Cooperstown so I was handed back to the operator. This time she asked for the number where I was and that was a good thing. (While the shop does not carry long distance service, the phone does accept calls from outside of the service area.) In the middle of trying to explain where Doubleday Court was, my cell phone battery went dead. A few seconds later the shop phone rang and it was the operator wondering what happened. She promised roadside assistance would be there within 90 minutes and gave me the driver's cell number. About 75 minutes later he called and said he'd be there within 20 minutes. About 30 minutes later he called again and tried to tell me I wasn't in Doubleday Court. He had turned too soon and was on the other side of the batting range. We got that straightened out and he came over and took the flat tire off the car. He had to take the of those 'donuts' get it filled with air but was soon back and put it on the car. The car would get me home. The rest of the day dragged on with very few customers until the last half hour or so. I finally got packed up and headed for home about 5:15. Both Jeff (whom I had called while waiting for the tire service) and the tire service guy had warned me not to go over 50 mph while driving on the 'donut'. So I drove home slowly for me (Zoom-Zoom is my middle name.) half expecting the 'donut' to blow or at the very least, go flat but I made it home ok.
Jeff's plan of action for today had also changed. Since it was raining off and on all morning, he decided that instead of going for a load of manure or working in the garden, he'd clean the garage. By the time I got home he had one side almost empty and the other side straightened up nicely. He found a couple of things (like the Coleman Lantern stand that he thought was in his sister's garage) and had the recycle bin completely full. Just need a 'floor magnet' to pick up any wayward nails from the garage floor and the Outback will be dry this winter.
After supper, Jeff checked the 'flat' tire for a puncture (didn't find any) and a cracked bead (found 2) by soaping up the tire and using the compressor to put air in it. We got two sets of bubbles where there shouldn't have been any. Then he filled the tire with air, put it back on the car and we went to Advance Auto to get a can of fix-a-flat and...fixed the flat. Jeff was going to swap tires between the Forester and Outback, anyway, since the Forester had newer tires, he'll just do it a little sooner than planned.
Fanny had not been the good dog she usually is with Jeff. She had found a scent and went out of the yard hunting thru the brush behind the house...and would not come when he called her eventho they could see each other. (That's the way she usually acts when I have her outside off-lead.) When she finally decided she better come home he put her in the house...with a swat to her tail end...and left her inside alone for awhile. She was very happy to see me when I got home (lots of licks and jumps) and quickly 'forgave' Jeff for putting her inside. She's got to learn.
OTN: I spent all of today working on an adult version of a baseball hat. Since I don't have a pattern for a rolled brim beanie to fit an adult I had to make things up as I went along. (That's the usual way to design a pattern but when you're working with white yarn there is a definite number of times you can rip things out!) I got the circumference right on the 3rd try and the crown right on the 2nd. Now I just have to do the embroidery....
Jeff's plan of action for today had also changed. Since it was raining off and on all morning, he decided that instead of going for a load of manure or working in the garden, he'd clean the garage. By the time I got home he had one side almost empty and the other side straightened up nicely. He found a couple of things (like the Coleman Lantern stand that he thought was in his sister's garage) and had the recycle bin completely full. Just need a 'floor magnet' to pick up any wayward nails from the garage floor and the Outback will be dry this winter.
After supper, Jeff checked the 'flat' tire for a puncture (didn't find any) and a cracked bead (found 2) by soaping up the tire and using the compressor to put air in it. We got two sets of bubbles where there shouldn't have been any. Then he filled the tire with air, put it back on the car and we went to Advance Auto to get a can of fix-a-flat and...fixed the flat. Jeff was going to swap tires between the Forester and Outback, anyway, since the Forester had newer tires, he'll just do it a little sooner than planned.
Fanny had not been the good dog she usually is with Jeff. She had found a scent and went out of the yard hunting thru the brush behind the house...and would not come when he called her eventho they could see each other. (That's the way she usually acts when I have her outside off-lead.) When she finally decided she better come home he put her in the house...with a swat to her tail end...and left her inside alone for awhile. She was very happy to see me when I got home (lots of licks and jumps) and quickly 'forgave' Jeff for putting her inside. She's got to learn.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
How the Garden Grows
All the long hours and hard work that Jeff's been spending in the garden has started to pay off. Last night he picked a zucchini, flat Italian beans and some hot peppers. I sliced, egged and breaded the zucchini and put it in the oven with a little olive oil. The beans and hot peppers were diced with some green onion tops and sauteed in olive oil an butter. I fried chicken...Italian or Angie's style... and did a couple of oven roasted potatoes. Everything came out perfect...and we dined as if we were in a gourmet restaurant! And there were no leftovers! The zucchini and green beans were garden fresh and tasted it...and the peppers! (How could things so small be so hot!!) What a difference garden fresh makes! Now if the tomatoes would ripen....
OTN: finished 2 size 6mo sweater sets (a Little Girl Chic in gray and pink, and a black sheep in honeydew green with a purple trim) to take to the shop tomorrow. Today I tried to work on baseball hats but didn't get far. They are so boring to work on I had trouble knitting for any length of time. I should get one finished tonight...I'll take the yarn and work on another at the shop.
I will be so glad when I get a new camera... to replace the one smashed in the T-bone (and not covered by the other guy's insurance.) I miss adding photos to this blog.
OTN: finished 2 size 6mo sweater sets (a Little Girl Chic in gray and pink, and a black sheep in honeydew green with a purple trim) to take to the shop tomorrow. Today I tried to work on baseball hats but didn't get far. They are so boring to work on I had trouble knitting for any length of time. I should get one finished tonight...I'll take the yarn and work on another at the shop.
I will be so glad when I get a new camera... to replace the one smashed in the T-bone (and not covered by the other guy's insurance.) I miss adding photos to this blog.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
The Bat
Jeff and I have always had a difference of opinion about bats getting in to the house. My experience is if you open the kitchen door and the porch door at the same time after dark, you may be inviting in an unexpected visitor. He doesn't believe it.
After Fanny and I got up to 'use the facilities' about 3 am this morning, we had an unexpected...and unwanted visitor...a bat! Tried to catch it w/towel, in a box etc but no luck. Ended up taping a sheet over the bedroom doorway cos the door was swollen and wouldn't close. Took about 2 hours for the bat to get the rhythm of the wind moving the sheet before it got back into the bedroom. Then we just gave up and went into the other bedroom, shut the door and went to bed. Heard it flying around for awhile but no sign of it anywhere. The last time this happened...about 4-5 years ago, a bat crawled behind the fake brick wall behind the wood stove and crawled back out a couple of days later. Can't happen this time coz we put all the trim on, closing in the wall. Don't know where it went today but I'm sure there will be more to come.
OTN: the size 6mo train sweater is done. Had to shrink the design a little to fit the number of stitches but it worked. Just have to sew on all those buttons...wheels, puffs of smoke and of course, the front buttons. Need a hat to go with that, maybe a brimmed sports cap? Started a size 6mo 'Little Girl Chic' in gray and pink. Don't like the shade of gray...a little dark, but the contrast between the pink and gray is, well, chic. The hat will be a pink roll-brim cloche with white flowers sewn on. Hope to finish that today...and sew all the buttons on tomorrow.
Fanny Up-Date: Remember when a friend got high for the first time...eyes dilate, goofy grin, unsteady gait, falling asleep every time they sat still for more than 5 minutes? Well, that was Fanny when we got home from the vet and it lasted most of the night. The bat invasion did not bother her. I'm not sure she even saw it! (She would look up as it flew over head but never jumped or lunged at it.) Jeff had taken the pink bandage off her leg after was a very dirty pink by then. She was still sore and I think, would have been happy if we just left it on. The bleeding had stopped and she licked it a few times but it was obvious it wasn't bothering her. She climbed up into a chair and slept all evening. This morning it looks ok...she let me touch it and check things out.
8/7/13; 2:45PM: Bat UpDate- we just came in from running errands and out of the corner of my eye I saw an oval shadow on a living room curtain. I checked and it was the I called in Jeff and he captured it in a towel, releasing in near the woodpile. Hopefully the Bat will survive.
After Fanny and I got up to 'use the facilities' about 3 am this morning, we had an unexpected...and unwanted visitor...a bat! Tried to catch it w/towel, in a box etc but no luck. Ended up taping a sheet over the bedroom doorway cos the door was swollen and wouldn't close. Took about 2 hours for the bat to get the rhythm of the wind moving the sheet before it got back into the bedroom. Then we just gave up and went into the other bedroom, shut the door and went to bed. Heard it flying around for awhile but no sign of it anywhere. The last time this happened...about 4-5 years ago, a bat crawled behind the fake brick wall behind the wood stove and crawled back out a couple of days later. Can't happen this time coz we put all the trim on, closing in the wall. Don't know where it went today but I'm sure there will be more to come.
OTN: the size 6mo train sweater is done. Had to shrink the design a little to fit the number of stitches but it worked. Just have to sew on all those buttons...wheels, puffs of smoke and of course, the front buttons. Need a hat to go with that, maybe a brimmed sports cap? Started a size 6mo 'Little Girl Chic' in gray and pink. Don't like the shade of gray...a little dark, but the contrast between the pink and gray is, well, chic. The hat will be a pink roll-brim cloche with white flowers sewn on. Hope to finish that today...and sew all the buttons on tomorrow.
Fanny Up-Date: Remember when a friend got high for the first time...eyes dilate, goofy grin, unsteady gait, falling asleep every time they sat still for more than 5 minutes? Well, that was Fanny when we got home from the vet and it lasted most of the night. The bat invasion did not bother her. I'm not sure she even saw it! (She would look up as it flew over head but never jumped or lunged at it.) Jeff had taken the pink bandage off her leg after was a very dirty pink by then. She was still sore and I think, would have been happy if we just left it on. The bleeding had stopped and she licked it a few times but it was obvious it wasn't bothering her. She climbed up into a chair and slept all evening. This morning it looks ok...she let me touch it and check things out.
8/7/13; 2:45PM: Bat UpDate- we just came in from running errands and out of the corner of my eye I saw an oval shadow on a living room curtain. I checked and it was the I called in Jeff and he captured it in a towel, releasing in near the woodpile. Hopefully the Bat will survive.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Today's Adventure
Today's adventure was Fanny's the vet's. A couple of days ago, running around the backyard, she pulled up with a yelp and limped for a couple of minutes. We looked but didn't see anything out of the ordinary with her leg or paw. This occasional yelping and limping went on and Sunday Jeff discovered that Fanny had broken the dew claw on her right leg...but she still wouldn't let either of us clean it...or touch it. Yesterday the 'toe' part seemed a little swollen and this morning the claw was broken in half and turning black and the toe swollen and red. I called the vet's office and we took Fanny over after lunch. She behaved very first... going into the office, then the exam room without much prodding. After she was put on the table, things changed. Jeff had her in a a tight grip and I kept stroking her but Fanny was upset...scared! The vet ended up putting a muzzle on her and giving her a shot to calm her down. I never saw a dog's eyes dilate so quickly! Fanny was in la-la-land in no time at all...with her tongue sticking out...she was really biting it! The vet gave her a quick pedicure, and a shot of antibiotics before putting her foot in a hot pink bandage and giving her a shot to wake. She was very willing to get back in the car to come home, but she wanted to stay in the car once we got here. Right now Fanny's sound asleep under the kitchen table...all I can see is her hot pink foot! And this little trip cost me $135.00. Oh, and again, I wish I had a camera! I know that pink bandage won't last long.
Monday, August 5, 2013
If Only there had been a camera
Today Jeff had an appointment to have the procedure done on the other side of his back. I had gotten my knitting bag ready early and headed out with plenty of time to make his appointment. But as soon as the door clicked closed behind me, I knew my keys were still in the house...tied to my purse instead of the knitting bag. I tried to open the window on the porch but it's nailed shut. The windows on the deck were locked...from the inside. That left the bedroom windows. I hauled the old step ladder to one of the windows outside my room, pushed the windows & screen up and figured out how to climb in...crawl in is a better description. I got as high as I could go on the ladder, steadied myself on the window sill...and it broke off, rotted thru. Tried again, leaned over into the room, pushed things out of the way and fell into the room. The dog went the other way...some watch dog she is! I was wedged between the bed and the window and it took a couple of minutes to roll around and get to my feet. I shut the windows, dusted myself off and headed out the door...this time with the keys in my hand! My cell phone was dead or wouldn't work and by the time I picked up Jeff he was pacing in front of his building and we were late. I took full responsibility and the nurses were quite nice. I'm sure it would have been some legs sticking out of the window as I went in! I ache all over now...guess I don't have what it takes to make a habit of going in thru windows.
OTN: a lt blue size 6mo cardigan with a train (red caboose, black engine, yellow and bright blue cars) going around the body just above the bottom ribbing. I love doing size 6mo...only takes a day or two to do a sweater! We went fishing at the Frankfort Marina yesterday and my train chart... and a couple of others all in the same plastic sleeve...went flying into the water and had to be 'hooked' to be saved. I carefully peeled the 3 sheets apart and dried out my charts so nothing was lost.
A trip to Lowe's after lunch got some of what Jeff needed and now he's busy building a compost sift. I think I'm going to sneak a little nap...hope I don't dream about going thru windows!!
OTN: a lt blue size 6mo cardigan with a train (red caboose, black engine, yellow and bright blue cars) going around the body just above the bottom ribbing. I love doing size 6mo...only takes a day or two to do a sweater! We went fishing at the Frankfort Marina yesterday and my train chart... and a couple of others all in the same plastic sleeve...went flying into the water and had to be 'hooked' to be saved. I carefully peeled the 3 sheets apart and dried out my charts so nothing was lost.
A trip to Lowe's after lunch got some of what Jeff needed and now he's busy building a compost sift. I think I'm going to sneak a little nap...hope I don't dream about going thru windows!!
Friday, August 2, 2013
Another Chapter Ends
Today the saga of the T-Bone has finally come to an end. Began on 7/15 and ended today 8/2, a total of 19 days. Included supporting the Affordable Taxi Company, getting a rental car...finally from Enterprise... paid for by the National General Insurance Company (except for $62 of the extra coverage fees that I shouldn't have paid but I was alone and didn't know what would happen if I refused to pay it) and a decent settlement that allowed me to get a Subaru Outback from Mohawk Motors and and my Forester fixed. We even had enough left over to go to Donna's Diner for fish fry tonight! (Portions were huge and the meal was delicious as usual.) All I have left to do is replace the camera. Tonight we took Fanny for a ride in the car...she hasn't been allowed in the rental...and she missed her evening ride. You know, nose out the window, ears being blown back, eyes squeezed shut. Typical happy dog.
Got one of the new socks for Jeff finished. Some of the ladies at the nursing home where Mom is couldn't believe it took an entire skein (50g) of yarn to do one sock. But you've got to remember, the man wears a size 12 shoe and is 6'3", that means the foot of the sock is 12" long and the top (or leg) is at least 14" or until the yarn runs out! I'm scheduled to work in the shop in Cooperstown on Friday and I think I may do a couple of pumpkin hats just to get ahead. Maybe I'll even call the shop tomorrow and see if any sweaters sold.
Had to have an INR done today and of course my numbers were out of range...but only.25 (3.75 instead of 3.5) so no change in the dose of 'rat poison' (warfarin) but I have to go back next Thursday and have it done again. I'm beginning to think yoga or at least meditation might be something I should try to keep my numbers in range since I do not seem to have a quite, calm life. Jeff's having the 2nd procedure on his back started on Monday. Hope it goes as well as the other side went in June.
Had to have an INR done today and of course my numbers were out of range...but only.25 (3.75 instead of 3.5) so no change in the dose of 'rat poison' (warfarin) but I have to go back next Thursday and have it done again. I'm beginning to think yoga or at least meditation might be something I should try to keep my numbers in range since I do not seem to have a quite, calm life. Jeff's having the 2nd procedure on his back started on Monday. Hope it goes as well as the other side went in June.
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