It's been a busy week. We decided to get a new wood stove and after we paid for it and arranged for delivery, Jeff found out that he couldn't move the stove we had alone. Luckily we were able to get 2 teenagers...the son and a friend... of one of my mother's come over and between the 3 guys they were able to get the old stove out of the room and the new one in. (The delivery man had used a mini fork lift to get it off the truck and onto the ramp where he left it.) We had to replace the thimble in the wall to fit the stove pipe and that required enlarging the hole, and since Jeff didn't want to cut thru or into the eves so it's been a bit of a challenge to get things to fit. He's been very carefully fitting the pipe so it's taken longer than expected.
I picked green beans for supper tonight. They were good size and there are more still on the vines. I picked a watermelon, too, but it wasn't ripe when I cut into it...very disappointing. There are 3 or 4 others so I guess I'll just wait until there's a frost warning.
My pumpkin hats sold out at the Pumpkin Fest last Saturday in Cooperstown. I took 5 down with me when I worked on Wednesday and there was 1 left from the last batch and they all sold! That hasn't happened in a couple of years. I finished one today and should get a couple more finished before I go down to work again on Wednesday. When I moved the part of my yarn stash in the den to make room for the new stove, I found some pumpkin buttons. Of course, this was after Pumpkin Fest but I decided to make a dark green sweater and use the buttons on it anyway. It'll be a size 9 months so I'll make a pumpkin hat to make it a set. It's not actually a Halloween sweater so it might sell yet.
Fanny has been getting into a lot of trouble this week. Thursday afternoon she destroyed a wooden spoon, and Friday afternoon she picked up one of Jeff's screwdrivers and chewed about 1" off the handle. Today she picked it up again and took off another 1/2". We haven't been able to catch her stealing the things...just chewing on them...but she does sit on my bed and take things off the night table to chew so she might be just taking them off a table in another room. Last night she woke me up 3 or 4 times and I let her go outside but still managed to do her "toilet" on my bedroom floor this morning!
If you're wondering why I have a hotmail address now I've had some trouble getting into my gmail lately. Can't do it on my pc but there's no problem with Jeff's. I decided to change my password to see if that would help but couldn't do it. (Gmail asked for a credit card #...eventho it's a 'free' service... to verify my identity)so I opened another Hotmail account and transferred my contact list to it and when I did that my gmail...and this blog...opened up again. I don't have to understand what happened as long as there aren't any problems with that.